Thursday, June 5, 2008

Johno's new vest...

GIRL ON THE FLY VEST, $129, Johno liked the “super light” weight of this new vest. But he “would have liked to see smaller, more specific pockets.” He said he felt awkward with the placement of the Velcro rod holder. Still, “if you only need your fly box, nippers and a sandwich, it’s great,” adding that “the shorter design” is “helpful while wading in deep water.”


Anonymous said...

Looks like johno has been lifting! his arms are a lot bigger than the last time i saw him. Looks like he got a new haircut as well, or possibly some extensions?! Nice work with the new vest though john, it fits you well! wassup stew and coach, hope your all doing well! the site is awesome!

Curly said...

I believe I saw John trying to sell his goods at a pool on penn's creek wearing waders no shirt and just the vest.

stew said...

I saw that as well curli but I believe he was wearing Daisy Dukes and the vest. He said his name was CB Savage.

Coach said...

I think you may be confusing Penns Creek with the truck stop there Stew, aka. Truckstop McShaft. Either that, or your fantasy world is colliding with reality...