Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Picking a mailbox for the new digs...

So many choices, how to choose, how to choose?

A handpainted Rainbow Troot?

Something stylish and modern, with diamond plate?

A customized expression of my inner aggression?

Perhaps a little too whorvisy?
Nice, but maybe a bit too much of a project. Hey Stew, you're good with stone right?

Perhaps one of these numbers for the roof of the mancave?
Simple, yet clear and too the point.
Again, maybe a bit too whorvisy?
As always, your helpful commentary is appreciated.


stew said...

I think I can work my magic for you.

Coach said...

Sweet, when can you start?

Carl Patten said...

I wonder what your mailbox currently looks like. If I were to choose in these photos, I will go with the second one. The stainless steel mailbox seems to be typical, but it offers efficiency. With the way it looks, you can easily tell that it's indestructible. I prefer having a simple mailbox that can last more than other types. :)

Coach said...

Yep, basic black indestructibel is what I went with. I did manage to craft a fancilly mitred pole for it however. Expedience clearly trumped beauty.