Adam Maris, yes Roger is his cousin, is quite proud of his brainchild, “like a country club for golf, but for fylfishing.” It is now the largest club in the country, with 63 properties, 152 miles of private waters and 58,000 acres of private land for hunting in
Maris’s buddy Phil Napolitan is the club’s Vice President.
Yes, this
Kreh remarked, “I wish there were more young men like him. If there were I don't think our country would be in the kind of mess it's going to be in."
I hate Lefty Kreh even more now.
Lefty is not all bad. You have to take into account his age, you know dementia and all...
too bad he stole it from the original guy who just wanted a place for us to fish....guy gave him half the club cause he was working six days a week...stole his dream and idea....money will by everything but soul
too bad he stole it from the original guy who just wanted a place for us to fish....guy gave him half the club cause he was working six days a week...stole his dream and idea....money will by everything but soul
I left a comment yesterday but I guess i wasn't logged in. To summarize SCREW THEM ALL!
I too agree screw them!
I was a member early on but soured on the scheme quickly when the truth became evident. While there has been limited natural recruitment documented in Spavinaw Creek, Adam Maris aggressively and illegally stocks the property, first to a nearby pond and then on sly from pond to river. He then gorges his pet trout with pellets by the bucketful. I've seen it first hand. He's the new Donny Beaver.
Adam is a fraud... He was a member when Tom bay had that property.. He gave Adam half the club... For free and from what I hear bought all the properties Tom had leased.. So Tom had no control! When I was a member we only had a few miles and less places... But it was fun and only 500 per year.. On the bright side heard Tom has found another property and will b looking for members... At least 500 is manageble.. Not 350 per month
New to the area but have done some research. Snuck on to Spavinaw and saw some nice fish. Is there any way to fish this water legally? I am tempted to bring suit to have it declared a navigable river. I gave them a call and wanted to join but the initiation fee and monthly dues while not unaffordable seemed ridiculous. I guess I will keep sneaking out there...
btw, who is Tom and when can I join?
Tom Bay was the original one who spent his time scouring the area and was his idea until a member of his guess who? ran him out...or thats what I heard....still doesn't like to talk about it...His old email was tombay@cox.net just run into him occasionally fishing
ADEQ findings:
The site was first investigated on July 26, 2006. Spavinaw Creek was walked from the 43 Bridge upstream for approximately 3/8 mile. No turbidity, oil sheen or dead fish were observed. Due to confusing/incorrect information in original complaint, investigation was halted until better information could be obtained. Additional information was received from Arkansas Game and Fish via the ADEQ Little Rock Office on July 27, 2006. On July 28, 2006, another site investigation was performed. Spavinaw Creek was walked from the Hwy 102 Bridge to the Hwy 43 Bridge. Several sites were observed where there was evidence of recent equipment operation in waters of the state. The channel had been altered by moving the substrate around with heavy equipment. Small “dams” made of gravel and cobble were constructed in some locations. In others, combinations of logs, steel fence posts and some sort of fabric were used to stabilize the altered channel. A significant amount of fine sediment was observed in the area just below where most of the work had been done which had almost buried the gravel substrate. Upstream from this location the streambed consisted of clean gravel with very little fine sediment. Mr. Adam Maris of Coldwater Creek Anglers was contacted by phone on 7/28/06. Mr. Maris was informed of the findings. He stated that the work was performed for fish habitat improvement. Mr. Maris was advised that the “improvements” would most likely be destroyed by the next bank-full flow event and that the fine sediment deposited downstream would negatively impact the benthic community upon which the fish depended. He was advised to contact Game and Fish for technical assistance regarding habitat improvement and stream restoration. The investigation revealed evidence of the following violation: Placing material in and operation equipment in Waters of the State so as likely to cause pollution. Numerous photos were taken during the investigation. Three of these photos are attached. The complainant, Ron Moore of Arkansas Game and Fish and Kyle Clark of the US Army Corps of Engineers were all informed of these findings.
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