After meeting all familial vacation obligations and completing the requisite "Cape Cod Triathalon" I will be embarking upon awesomeness in pursuit of wee haw!
Trip is booked with Captain Jeff at Fin Addiction for Thursday the 2nd.
Jeff will be recommending the appropriate species and locations for the glorious day afloat as well as providing tackle up to handling these mutant gigantor feeshes.
I will be bringing the Nori, my personal photographer, and my lame heavy rod casting abilities.
Picture below is of Captain Jeff modeling the Striper Rifle.

It is rumored that hugemongous Bluefin Tuna are currently in abundance off the Cape. Mmmm, sushi! The look on this guys face clearly indicates that landing one of the blue water monsters is one buttload of work.

Below is a pic. of a nice Striper pulled off the Fin Addiction site.

And last but not least, found money shot of my neighbor Dick sportin' some salt marsh wood.

Don't hate me because I'm fishing beautiful.
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