We sallied forth seeking the most storied of mayflies, the Green Drake.

The most elusive of mayflies was indeed found, poor photography skills excused please.

An unexpected encounter with hugemongous black stoneflies pictured above, and unpictured golden stoneflies.

Above photo of the resting place of bazillions of Green Drake spinners, aka Coffin Flies.

Also in abundance, March Brown spinners.

Photo above depicts the ~6 ft. Black Snake which surprised me, and I believe I it.

A mossy root system under the overhanging streamside trees revealed a rather large Dragon Fly nymph case.

Curli models the pool we staked our claim on for the evening. We had to Minion out two pairs of other anglers who sought to share our glorious pool. This was deftly accomplished by either casting directly at them, ala Curli, or threatening them via a long backcast, ala Coach.

As Coach had the only camera on stream, these are his feesh. Above is a fine brown in the 14 inch class, and below is the evening's largest feesh, a brown close to 20", with the landing assist thanks to Curli.

All in all a pretty good showing by the mayflies and the Minions.
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