The rumors you've heard are not true, there are no fish here, there is nothing to see here, nothing to do, no good places to stay and threats to bodily safety are lurking behind every tree and swimming in the highly polluted river. The trout left years ago when the dams were built and can now be found in New Jersey... go there instead. For cripe’s sake, there isn’t even any water in the river! We send it all to New York City for them to drink, yuck! The locals are crazy, Appalachian militia types who think that tourists are great for target practice. They love picking fights with “city folk” in the local taverns and grocery stores. New York ranks last in education, first in unemployment and has a high poverty level. Every year hundreds of fisherman and Girl Scouts are reported missing. We love New York, we must, why else would we stay.
The perils that await unsuspecting visitors in New York are a closely guarded secret. Flesh eating creatures await behind every tree. Lodges and bed & breakfasts are located on disposable diaper landfills and medical waste dumps. A well known fact around these parts is that visitors lose a lot of spouses in New York. Wives get “lost” on shopping and antiquing outings and husbands wander off to the ditch we call a river, never to be heard from again. Yep, New York is a dangerous place and is probably the worst choice you can make for fishing or vacationing. Try New Jersey or Pennsylvania, the fishing and tourism is great there, now go tell all your friends.
Cheers to that! Dont forget acid rain killed all the fish in the Adirondacks and the Great Lakes tributaries have become totally unproductive since they outlawed snagging! Stay away from NY, it's a bad bad place. Unless you live here...then it's horrible.
Still no fish here. The Minions are heading down to Jersey this weekend to fish the Musconetcong. Heard that's where some famous guy named Ernie used to fish. Don't bother posting any reports from the Upper Delaware cause I'll know you're lying if you say you caught anything other than an STD.
My friends and I went to the fish the Delware this past weekend and this is what happend: On Friday, I arrived on the West Branch to find dead fish along bank but I decided to fish anyway. The river smelled like shit. I fell on the didymo about a dozen times. (That stuff is deadly) I then decided to go into town and ask about the dead fish and the didymo. The locals did not "take kindly" to my inquiry or me, and then proceeded to beat my "city ass up". On Sat. we decide to take a drift trip down the main stem. We saw plenty of angler and no fish. Since there was no fish the anglers decided to practice their casting by aiming their fly and spoons at our but. All in all, we had a terrible time and I think I got Herpes from a leak in my waders.
-The nameless, shamed Fly Fisher
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