Following last years survey of Delaware River anglers for the purpose of determining whether drift boats should be allowed to float the river, there is obviously some room for improved relations between fisherfolk. I offer the following article for your consideration, for all of our benefit:
What is fishing etiquette?
Etiquette is simply following commonly held social conventions. Some of these social conventions or rules are well known, others, not so much. The intention of this article isn’t to create a formal written code, but rather to put some generally held ideas about good angling behavior in writing so that we can all have an enjoyable day on the river. First, consider these two questions; “How do I want to be treated?,” and “How does common sense apply?” Answering these two questions will cover just about all possible fishing situations and the answers can usually be easily applied to insure that everyone can have a pleasant and relaxing angling experience. Some guidelines for peaceful coexistence between anglers enjoying the Upper Delaware River system are shared below.
Boat Launching: Let’s start where boaters start, at the boat ramp. So you’ve decided to launch at the Norbord Pool and a crowd has gathered there at the “ramp.” Other drift boats, canoes, kayaks or pontoon boats will also be waiting to launch. There may also be other vehicles, tourists, anglers and commercial traffic in the area. To keep things moving along efficiently and without conflict it’s important that everyone respect their position in line and their time on the ramp. Rig and load your boat before you back down the “ramp.” If you are not ready and there are others waiting, it is respectful and polite to let them move ahead of you in the launch queue. Once you have launched your boat, quickly move it off to the side so that others can launch safely. When there is a current, the downstream side of the ramp is the more efficient choice, that way you won’t interfere with launching activities when you get underway. Remember to park well away from the “ramp” to avoid potential incidents and to ease access. When in doubt, ask for advice.
Passing Others: You are now underway and enjoying the best fishing East of the Mississippi. You are approaching a wading angler, and you must plan ahead for how to get past them while minimizing the disturbance you create. The best choice is to pass behind them. Avoid rowing while passing unless it is required to keep control of your boat. If the water is too shallow to float, quietly get out of the boat and, as quietly as possible, walk your boat behind them. Be a good sport and don’t fish the wader’s area as you pass, poaching on a wader’s spot will cause conflict that none of us need, and besides, you’ll be down river quickly and be able to start fishing again. When in doubt, the wading angler always has the right of way.
Occasionally there won’t be enough space to pass behind the other angler. There are several ways to resolve this troubling situation. First, you can hug the opposite bank if the river is wide enough to avoid the water he or she is fishing. Another option is to pass close to him or her on the center river side. Last option, get out and drag the boat behind him or her. Wading anglers can and often will step back toward the bank to let a boat through without disturbing the water they are fishing. When in doubt, and to maintain cordial relations, always ask the wading angler for their preference.
Downstream from the wading fisher you approach another boat. When the other boat is anchored, and its occupants are obviously fishing on one side, pass far on the other side. If you can’t tell, or aren’t sure, ask which side they prefer that you pass on. Always give as wide a berth as possible and avoid unnecessarily disturbing the area. The same rules apply when overtaking a drifting boat. This however, should be a very rare occurrence as respectful boaters do not race downriver passing others to get to the hotspots first. If the occupants are fishing to one side, pass on the opposite side, again giving as wide a berth as possible. When passing actively fishing boats, giving a wide berth, besides being considerate, will also keep you out of the way of their casting and prevent an accidental hooking. Remember that the vessel being overtaken always has the right of way. Again, when in doubt ask.
Don’t’ Cut In: It is very bad form to cut in front of an overtaken boat and poach their run. Continue down river a considerate distance, best case, all the way to the next pool or riffle, before you begin fishing. If you really want to fish the water occupied by a boat or a wading fisher, hold your boat back and wait for them to move on. Some other tips to help us all get along: Please don’t ever horn in on someone else’s fishing spot unless invited. It is usually best to not ask for permission. Everyone will have a better experience if you find an alternative area to fish.
Don’t anchor or fish within casting range of another angler. Since you don’t know how far they are capable of casting, a good assumption is more than 100 feet.
Don’t ever intentionally put down the fish, no matter how much they frustrated you, the next angler deserves a chance to be frustrated by them too.
The Upper Delaware contains spookier fish than most visitors normally encounter. Because of this it is common to fish a long downstream drift so that the target fish sees the fly first and not the leader or fly line. Anglers here normally progress downstream instead of upstream as we would expect elsewhere. If you have any doubts, a friendly conversation should easily sort it out.
Releasing Fish: Catch and release fishing is enforced downstream from the Rte. 17 overpass to the marker near Hale Eddy Bridge, but you should treat all the fish you catch with respect and limit your take as much as possible. Treating a fish with respect means: wetting your hands and net prior to handling the fish to protect its slime coating, not squeezing the fish, not toucking the fish’s gills, cutting the line close to the hook if the hook is embedded too deeply, and keeping the fish in the water as much as possible. You really don’t need to keep fish to demonstrate your skills as an angler, try taking a picture of your catch instead. These fish are way too much fun and too beautiful to only catch once.
Litter: The Upper Delaware is scenic and beautiful, let’s keep it that way. Local organizations spend hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars each year to keep the banks clean. Help them out by taking home everything that you carried in. Riverbank landowners are our hosts when fishing. Please show respect to landowner’s property. Don’t risk bank postings by leaving a mess. And yes, monofilament trimmings and cigarette butts are litter too. Do your part by picking up a few pieces of litter before you begin fishing, it is satisfying to contribute to the well being of this great resource.
Anchoring: When anchoring, drop anchor quietly, and when it’s time to move on, leave quietly. Be mindful of where you anchor. Fishing, getting a rest or a snack, are all acceptable reasons to anchor. When you do anchor, remember to select the right location. Be careful not to block prime water or a narrow channel which can make passing difficult for others.
Darkness: Unless you have significant experience on the river and have confidence in controlling your boat after dark, don’t stay out after dark. If you do feel safe boating after nightfall, make sure you have the required safety equipment with you, and yes, all boats have the same requirements. When retrieving your boat at night, avoid shining vehicle lights or any other lights upstream. This can temporarily blind other boaters and make safe navigation much more difficult.
Take Out: You’ve reached the Ball’s Eddy ramp to conclude your fishing adventure. While you are asking the other anglers how they did today, also ask about the order for boat retrieval. Wait your turn to take out and when it is your turn, be ready. Don’t dilly dally! Once your boat is on your trailer, pull it up and out of the way. Wait until you are out of the way to secure your tie down straps, take down your rods, pack up your garbage, take off your boots and etc. If you are waiting for your trailer to reach the ramp, encourage others to proceed ahead of you.
Usually using common sense and treating others like you’d like to be treated will result in a pleasant day of fishing. However, you will occasionally cross paths with curmudgeons and other miscreants, sometimes in waders and sometimes in another watercraft. When you do meet one of these people it doesn’t help to get excited or angry, it’ll only ruin your day. Don’t let them get you down. Remember, this is supposed to fun and relaxing.
Be safe out there!
By: Coach
Charter Member of Minion Flyfishing
International Man of Leisure
Be safe out there!
By: Coach
Charter Member of Minion Flyfishing
International Man of Leisure
Very nice Coach. You demonstrated fully that one can have class and still me a minion.
I think we should forward this directly to Johno.
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