"It is the goal and mission statement of FUDR to continue to fight this battle and with supporters like yourself making this possible we would like to invite you to participate in the second annual "ONE BUG & Trade" fly fishing event. This three day event sponsored by FUDR celebrates the sport and camaraderie of fly fishing by bringing together flyfishers like you to take part in the fishing, good will and further support of this magnificent fishery. Last years 2008 event was a great success and we have earmarked a large portion of the proceeds to a much needed stream restoration project on a spawning tributary of the D. The headquarters for the "ONE BUG & Trade" event is the Capital Theatre and will be held on April 24, 25 & 26. This year's roster is limited to 14 teams. All 8 teams from last year are invited back and have signed up already. The remaining 6 slots are on a first come first serve basis. We will fill all 14 team spots! The proceeds from this event will be used to fight the ongoing battle for consistent cold water releases, habitat and stream improvements and the enhancement and protection of the Upper Delaware River's wild trout fishery."
"Team donation: Two person team $2200. Corporate Sponsor two person team $4000 (Corporate Sponsors also receives a full page ad in the event program, three complimentary tickets to the Friday evening Banquet and Auction, and a one year membership to FUDR.) Included in the event is the Friday night buffet and live auction, Saturday and Sunday guided fishing with breakfast, lunch and dinner."
"60 general admission tickets are also available to the public on a first come first serve basis for the Friday evening event that includes FOOD, OPEN BAR & LIVE AUCTION. This $100 ticket also includes a one year membership to FUDR."
"For information contact: Jim "Coz" Costolnick 607-760-2270 cell delawareland@echoes.net or Dan Plummer catskilldan@mac.com"
From the FUDR website @ www.fudr.org
i would love to fish this, but it is little out of my price range at the moment.
It shouldn't be a problem we just have to whore ourselves out to 220 Fat chicks for $10 a piece. Or to 100 fat chicks for $100 a piece. Hey, fat chicks need love too. They just have to pay.
Please do not refer to the poor, sad lasses in said fashion. The politically correct terminology is "weight challenged."
Or Curli could work his magic at a truck stop for one night.
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