Setting up an 11'6" 8wt with a Battenkill Bar Stock V. I am thinking about going with the Elixir 8/9wt. I have heard good things about this line. I am looking for additional feedback on this line or any switch/spey lines. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
This is the line that Stew and I have for our switch rods. The "Elixir" line is highly recommended as is Beulah's "Tonic" line. Elixir is for floating and lightweight applications. Tonic is for turning over heavy tips.
Coach, thank you for the feedback. Waiting to hear feedback on other brands. Bear, what are you throwing. Anybody else?
I have the Rio switch line on my stick. I have no complaints whatsoever it preforms well. I would also inquire with Double D as well he just tried out his new orvis access set up not sure what type of line he went with.
Bear, thank you for the input.
Johno, orvis does have switch lines on the market now, but I would ask the manufacturers advice. Go for the middle of the recommended grain weight. Elixir is a very good line but you still have to get the right grain line.
RIO 8/9wt 520 grain $89
Elixir 8/9wt 420 grain $72
Orvis 8wt 450 grain $89
I have a feeling it is going to come down to what orvis carries. I need and extra spool for my Bar Stock V so i will purchase line and backing at the same time and be done with it.
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