Getting ready for the wort boil tomorrow.
Carboy cleaned and sanitized.

These are not easy to use, must invent better carboy brush.

Got the Brita going full steam filtering the required 4 gallons of pristine water.
Going to attempt a Belgian style Harvest Ale this go round.
Wish me luck!
I hope it is as tasty as it sounds
1 hour of prep & sanitizing, 1.5 hours of boiling / stirring for a bubbling nasty looking carboy full of brown water. It better be tasty! 3 weeks of waiting and bubbling before bottling can begin. About 3 more weeks of waiting post bottling til tastiness can be fully ascertained. Plan on a tasting near Turkey Day!
Dear Sir,
I am shocked by your cleaning standards. Beer production in what appears to be a bathroom. I will gladly fall off my wagon for a tasty of your frosty goodness.
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