Started with a trio: piano, cello & violin
Moved on to quintet: cello, 2 violas, 2 violins
Finished with octet: 2 cellos, 2 violas, 4 violins
Sat 8 feet away, could feel it, awesome!
Musicians with this level of talent, doesn't matter what they play.
But they did play Felix Mendelssohn
Ring leader for this display of talent was Odin Rathnam, who also happens to enjoy tempting the WB's fishy residents with a fly.
Had to keep reminding myself that I was really in Hale Eddy New York.
Further displays of angler musicianship to commence next Sunday 09/20/09 at 4:00 pm.
All this good tune-age PLUS "culinary creations" and a wine tasting sponsored by Dr. Konstantin Frank Vinifera Wine Cellars for $40 bucks.
Enjoy it if you can!
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