Sunday, February 1, 2009

This Evening: Battle of the Feeshes!

Tonight, in all their glorious glory, the Arizona Apache Trout will take on the Pennsylvania Brook Trout. Which will bring the big hit, the quick strike and who will be the recipient of the dreaded refusal?

The Cardinals, are of course based in Arizona...

Arizona, of course, has a state fish.
The Arizona state fish is, of course, the lovely and swift Apache Trouts.

The Pitssburgh Steelers are of course based in the blessed and beautiful hills of Western PeeYay. And yes Stew they are a very popular symbol of the organized labor movement.

Indeed, Pennsylvania does also, of course have a state fish...

The Brook Trout is a strong fighter, although not the most selective of feeshes, but it is elegant and beautiful in all its moves.

My apologies for all the "borrowed" images.

All righty then, man your Layzboys!

1 comment:

Coach said...

The brook trouts win, the brook trouts win!

O.k. that's over, put away you terrible towels and get back to tying flies.