That means you have about 2 months to prepare you flies for the onslaught.
Ahhh, Opening Day, the time for casting side by side, even elbow to elbow, along natures most beautiful of thoroughfares, troutstreams. There is nothing like the close comaraderie of standing so close to a perfect stranger that you can identify the brand of whiskey he consumed the previous evening and whether he had bacon or sausage with breakfast. It's easy to identify the mosst popular pools, they're the ones where the bottom is decorated by flourescent power bait.
I can hardly wait!
Coach, I am quite impressed with your web page. However, I would like to see a song or two by singer songwriter Les Claypool. You may know him from such bands as Primus, Oysterhead, The Frog Brigade, or maybe the timeless classic Of Whales and Woe the Les Claypool Fancy Band. Claypool is an avid fly fisher, and even appeared as a special guest on a 2004 taping of Fly Fishing the World filmed in Idaho and a 2005 taping in Quebec, Canada. I would maybe like to join you all on a trip sometime because whenever I go with John there are no fish. Curly it’s always a pleasure out fishing you and John as long as I don’t have to hear you talk to your dog as if she is the only woman in your life.
Anonymous as I whish not to be associated with any of you minions
I've watched thosw video clips, Anonymous,
Thanks for the shoutout. Mr. Claypool, while no doubt a very creative musician and despite serious editing of the video material from the shoot, was extremely late on setting the hook, dropped his borrowed fly rod & reel on the ground, and had no idea what fly he was using. Perhaps he was incredibly high on life, but still no excuse for poor fishermanship.
The Minions would of course welcome the siblings of its esteemed and favored membership. Bring it on if you can handle the beatdown.
We here at Minionflyfishing are after all above, still completely focused on customer service. If I can remember how to get the music thingy to work again, I'll go on search safari for some Les for ya.
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