Pros. + Cons.
The Ruger appears to have a slightly higher quality of finish.
The Kel-Tec's average price is $50 - $70 less than the Ruger.
The Ruger appears to be on back order at every outlet researched due to limited production.
The Kel-Tec is minimally lighter in weight.
The Ruger is slightly larger in overall size.
The Kel-Tec has greater availability of accessories.
The Ruger has a manual slide hold open device, while neither has last shot hold open.
Specialized high performance defense loads are available for both from Cor-Bon and Buffalo Bore which bring these pocket pistols into the pocket cannon category.
It seems to be nearly a dead heat.
My thoughts: Ruger has some cachet over Kel-Tec but mostly due to its stellar performers in the wheelgun category. However, Kel-Tec was first to market in this new category and has had ample opportunity and actual follow through on consumer based quality and performance feedback.

My choice was, and will continue to be, the Kel-Tec P3AT!
Is this official has Johno purchased another pistol and if so which the kel-tec or ruger
Johno asked for my informed opinion regarding the merits of several choices in the "pocket pistol" category. The splendor that is this post, is the result of my research and experiences. Johno has apparently fallen off the face of the earth since making this request...
I am not sure Johno knows how to use a computer.
Hmm. Interesting definition of minion.
a servile or fawning dependant
loyal servant of another, usually more powerful being; A sycophantic follower
From Middle French mignon (“‘lover, royal favourite, darling’”).
It may have started out the way you're using it, but in English in the 21st century, it's not the positive you're making it out to be. So who do you guys serve?
Hmm, anonymous, you've drilled down to the root of our little organization haven't you? First I must admit that the organization's name was created by committee and as such is open to multiple interpretations of deeper meaning. We had referred to our merry band as minions for some time prior to the genesis of this website, often resorting to a phone tree message of, "Minions assemble!" when a fishing opportunity of note arose. Prior to this phenomenon some in the group had referred to themselves as Coach's Minions due to my strong command personality, particularly when in need of a fresh, cold beverage. Now back to the committee; when standardizing on the definition of our group's name we selected favored ones in lieu of servile follower due strictly to political correctness. Does this answer your query?
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