And of course, wild flyfishing action and the landing of ginormous fish called Taimen. Mongolia apparently hosts two unique trout species, the aforementioned Taimen and the smaller, by Mongolian standards, Lenok. The Lenok has a mouth structure very similar to the Rocky Mountain Whitefish. The film contained various beautiful travel montages and scenery in addition to the required fishing scenes. Two memorable scenes include trimming Mongolian Yaks for fly tying material and the boys succumbing to goat milk "milkshine." I give it two pillows up from the living room coach boat.
Comming Soon: Fish Bum 2: Yellowstone. The minions fish the Nez Perce.
Slow Mo of Johno sprinting past everyone to hook a 2 inch trout.
Followed by a slow-mo exaggerated arm flail and nose dive transitioning seamlessly to an underwater shot of the huge fingerlings of Nez Perce, all set to a soundtrack of the Village People hit YMCA. (Get it, Johno's arm flailing in slow-mo makes it look like he's dancing the YMCA.)
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